Minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Portuguese Republic Luís Filipe Marques Amado

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met on Thursday, 6 September 2007, during an official visit to the Portuguese Republic, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luís Filipe Marques Amado

The ministers took this opportunity to confirm good and friendly relations of the two countries, without any open issues. They expressed interest in the continuation of cooperation strengthening on all levels with a special emphasis on a successful continuation of accession negotiations.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović, who is currently visiting the Portuguese Republic after an invitation by Minister Amado, thanked for the active support to the Republic of Croatia during its EU accession negotiations as well as for the determination of the Portuguese presidency to keep the dynamics of the negotiations.

She also expressed the belief that the Republic of Croatia would open additional chapters by the end of the Portuguese presidency over the EU and she discussed a number of operative details on the further course of the negotiating process.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović stressed that the Republic of Croatia would continue with the necessary reforms and full engagement in the accession negotiations, pointing out that the accession of the Republic of Croatia to full membership in the EU is not only in Croatia’s interest, but also in the interest of other countries in the region. The Republic of Croatia supports the European perspective of other countries in the region and the efforts they are making in that direction, which is to contribute to a stable political and economic situation in the Southeast Europe, said Minister Grabar-Kitarović.

During the official visit the Croatian delegation consisted of Chief Negotiator Vladimir Drobnjak, Chief of Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the European Communities in Brussels Branko Baričević, and the new Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Portuguese Republic Željko Vukosav.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović will continue the official visit to the Portuguese Republic by going to Viano do Castelo, where on Saturday, 8 September 2007, as part of an informal meeting of the EU MFAs, she is to participate at a working lunch of ministers of foreign affairs of the EU and candidate countries.

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