Minister Jandroković met with the representatives of the American Jewish Committee...

Minister Jandroković thanked the representatives of the Jewish organizations for the strong support provided during the process of accession of the Republic of Croatia to NATO, and the continued support to the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the EU. He also thanked them for their contribution to the development of mutual relations of the Republic of Croatia and the US to their current friendly and partnerial level.

The meeting also touched upon the very good bilateral relations between the Republic of Croatia and the State of Israel, which are marked by political dialogue at the highest level. Minister Jandroković recalled the recent visit by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Liberman to Croatia and their meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly on the same day.

He also familiarized them with Croatia’s negotiation process and the recent lift of the blockade which enables the continuation of negotiations with the EU and the solution of the border dispute between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia. Likewise, Minister Jandroković presented Croatia’s foreign policy priorities and relations with the major countries. The meeting also touched upon the situation in South Eastern Europe.

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