Minister Jandroković, as member of Croatian president’s delegation, visits Paris for Barcelona Process Summit: Union for the Mediterranean

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Gordan Jandroković, as a member of the delegation of Croatian President Stjepan Mesić, visited Paris 13-14 July 2008 on the occasion of the Barcelona Process Summit: the Union for the Mediterranean

Minister Jandroković participated in the foreign ministers’ meeting that adopted the decision on Croatia’s full membership in the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean. Also admitted were Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Principality of Monaco.

In his speech after the Chairman, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, and Co-chair, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Minister Jandroković said he greatly appreciates the decision to admit Croatia into this important forum, foreshadowing an enhanced co-operation within the Mediterranean space, which Croatia is a part of. We welcome the co-operation within the reformed Barcelona Process, which opens up the possibility of equal participation for all of the Mediterranean countries. He added that we believe this will contribute to the solving of the political challenges and processes in the Mediterranean.

Due to its geographical position, as well as the historical and cultural heritage, Croatia considers “Mediterraneanism” an important component of its identity and is therefore permanently interested in an active participation in the Mediterranean. Furthermore, along with the main strategic priorities of joining the EU and NATO, by joining the Union for the Mediterranean Croatia wishes to further profile the Mediterranean dimension of its foreign policy. By becoming a member of the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean, Croatia is giving its contribution to the strengthening of the European Union’s common foreign and security policy.

The Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean is one of the more important foreign-policy initiatives of French and EU President Nicolas Sarkozy. Its aim is to contribute to the co-operation in the Mediterranean and strengthen the political relations between the EU and its Mediterranean partners through projects and sector linking.

The partnership gathers 27 EU members and the European Commission, together with the Barcelona Process members and observers, as well as the other Mediterranean coastal countries – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Monaco.

Croatia expressed its intent to join the Barcelona Process on 7 May 2008, and has been invited as a part of the diplomatic preparations to participate as the Chairman’s guest in the meetings of EuroMed’s high officials until gaining full membership.

On the Summit’s margins, Minister Jandroković held a series of informal meetings with his colleagues, dominated by topics about the Lisbon Treaty and Croatia’s EU accession.

“There is a very strong support for Croatia, everybody wants Croatia in the EU and hope that a model to ensure that will be found. Everybody hopes that the Lisbon Treaty will be ratified in all of the member countries”, said Minister Jandroković to the press.

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