Minister Grlić Radman visits Croat community in Janjevo

During his official visit to Kosovo, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Thursday visited the Croat community in Janjevo

During his official visit to Kosovo, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Thursday visited the Croat community in Janjevo.

“This is my first visit to Kosovo as the foreign minister and it was therefore very important for me to meet with you,” Grlić Radman said, underscoring satisfaction that he had the opportunity to hear directly from members of the Croat community how they live and what issues they face.

The minister stressed that he had pushed for Kosovo’s authorities to change their treatment of the Croats in Janjevo and Letnica, and ensure that they can live in dignity.

“We are continually pushing for Kosovo’s Croats to be protected, their personal security and the security of their property be ensured, and infrastructure be improved. We also want the Croat minority to be recognised by the Kosovo Constitution,” he said.

Grlić Radman underlined that Croatia would continue to offer financial support within its means. “The Central Office for Croats Abroad has several programmes that can finance your needs as well. This year, Croatia has allocated HRK 300,000 for the Kosovo Croats, matching the funds allocated in 2020 and 2019 respectively. The Croatian government is determined to continue supporting your survival and prosperity,” he said.

Afterwards, Grlić Radman visited members of the 34th Croatian Contingent stationed at KFOR’s Film City Camp in Pristina. Major General Franco Federici commended the Croatian soldiers’ contribution as well as the Croatian government’s decision to boost its KFOR contingent. The minister then met with the Croatian soldiers, congratulating them on their commitment and participation, which confirms that Croatia is a reliable NATO member and contributes to the country’s international reputation.


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