Minister Grlić Radman participates in video-conference of EU foreign ministers

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Friday participated in a video-conference of EU member states’ foreign ministers

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Friday participated in a video-conference of EU member states’ foreign ministers. 

The ministers called on the Belarus authorities to stop the disproportionate and unacceptable violence against peaceful protestors, free all unlawfully detained and conduct a thorough and transparent investigation of all misconduct. The ministers opined that the elections were neither free nor just, and that the results were falsified, and therefore rejected them. The EU intends to support the Belarus authorities in establishing dialogue with the opposition and society in order to overcome the crisis. Due to the recent event, the EU will introduce measures against those responsible for violence, repression and falsification of electoral results. Grlić Radman expressed concern over the escalating violence and condemned the use of force and arbitrary detentions. He underlined the importance of EU’s engagement in order to de-escalate the situation and offer support for the Belarus citizens. The minister also stressed the importance of a long-term approach in the EU-Belarus relations, highlighting as the primary goal the respect for values, fundamental freedoms, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

The ministers also discussed the situation and risks of further escalation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the deterioration of relations with Turkey, which could have far-reaching effects on the EU and the wider region. They called on Turkey to defuse the situation and cease all unilateral activities that violate the international law and sovereign rights of EU member states. In that regard, the ministers expressed solidarity with all member states affected by Turkey’s activities. They underscored that the issues of maritime borders and natural resource use should be dealt with through dialogue and talks in good faith and in accordance with the international law and the principle of good-neighbourly relations. The ministers emphasized the importance of EU-Turkey relations and voiced support for High Commissioner Borrell’s efforts to establish dialogue with Turkey. They agreed that if tensions continue, they would prepare proposals for appropriate action on the part of the EU. Grlić Radman underlined the importance of dialogue and engagement with Turkey on all matters in order to ensure a constructive approach and find a solution.

In addition, the ministers reflected on the situation in Lebanon in the wake of the Beirut blast of August 4th. They underlined EU’s efforts to help the citizens and the need for oversight of aid so that it could reach those that need it. The ministers stressed the importance of a competent, representative and responsible government that would ensure the implementation oof reforms through good and transparent governance. They also called for addressing the economic and social crisis, and building the citizens’ trust in institutions. Croatia has provided EUR 100,000 for urgent needs related to the coronavirus epidemic and donated EUR 20,000 worth of protective gear. In addition, Croatia has acted earlier through development cooperation, notably in improving the living conditions of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. We will continue with these efforts, including a donation of EUR 200,000 for the refugees. 

Finally, the ministers discussed the situation in Venezuela and Bolivia as well as the prospects of EU’s engagement in preparing for the upcoming election in those countries.   

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