Minister Grlić Radman participates in Berlin Process meeting

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Monday participated in a virtual meeting of the Berlin Process member states’ foreign ministers

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Monday participated in a virtual meeting of the Berlin Process member states’ foreign ministers. The meeting focused on building trust and strengthening regional cooperation through networking and mobility – primarily among the youth and civil society as the bearers of planned changes. Participants underlined their support for youth projects and programmes, and advocated closer regional cooperation as well as the economic prosperity and European journey of the Western Balkan countries.

Addressing the event, Grlić Radman welcomed the first Berlin Process co-chairmanship by Bulgaria and North Macedonia, stressing that the regional character of the project was now in full effect and represents the continuity of previous efforts aimed at strengthening good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation as well as the European perspective of the Western Balkans. The minister highlighted the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, adopted by the European Commission on 6 October. “The Economic and Investment Plan was announced at the Zagreb Summit in May and will encourage economic growth and speed up the process of economic convergence with the EU,” he said. The minister added that the Zagreb Declaration had underscored the importance of advancing economic integration in the region and that the Economic and Investment Plan was an important part of the Western Balkans’ European journey. “The Plan identifies connectivity, green and digital transformation and competitiveness as the main challenges for the Western Balkan countries. Overcoming those challenges will make the region attractive to investments and help it achieve its economic potential,” Grlić Radman said.

In addition, the minister emphasized the importance of improving the prospects for young people in order to ensure stability and sustainable development in the region. “Every serious attempt to advance the region has to focus on the youth. We need to offer them quality education, equal opportunities, a stable and safe environment, and mobility,” Grlić Radman concluded.


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