- Published: 16.03.2022.
Minister Grlić Radman attends OECD meeting for candidate countries
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Wednesday paid a visit to Paris, where he met with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann. Grlić Radman thanked Cormann for his personal involvement in inviting Croatia to open accession talks, adding that Croatia was ready to embark on the process. The Croatian Government has set up a negotiating team for OECD accession, which includes representatives of all relevant state administration departments. Cormann expressed satisfaction with the opening of talks with Croatia and the great progress it had made, adding that in these challenging times of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, unity and mutual support between the OECD member states and candidate countries was of particular importance.
Grlić Radman then attended a meeting on the accession process of candidate countries. Cormann and the relevant OECD services presented future steps in the accession process and announced possible adoption of an accession plan for each candidate country in the months ahead.
Grlić Radman then attended a meeting on the accession process of candidate countries. Cormann and the relevant OECD services presented future steps in the accession process and announced possible adoption of an accession plan for each candidate country in the months ahead.