Minister Grlić Radman at the Ministerial Meeting of the Global Coalition against Da'esh

  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
Slika Slika Slika
Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlić Radman participated in the Ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against Da'esh, in Riyadh on Thursday, 8 June 2023.

At this year's meeting a financial pledge to stabilise Iraq and Syria was announced. Minister Grlić Radman stressed that Croatia's priorities in the work of the Coalition remain the preven-tion and suppression of terrorism and violent extremism, not only in the Middle East region, but also world-wide. “The current success of the Coalition shows that only united we can achieve concrete results. Unfortunately, our work is not finished - we need to stay active. Da'esh must not get a second chance and take another foothold as it had done in Iraq and Syria”, the Minister said, adding that in addition to traditional anti-terrorism measures, efforts must be stepped up in the economic and social dimensions that are often abused by terrorist propaganda that is increas-ingly focusing on young people.

Among other things, the Minister also referred to one of Croatia's key priorities and contribu-tions to the Coalition, which is to keep our own neighbourhood safe from terrorist threats through support for Euro-Atlantic integration processes. He stressed that Croatia was even more secure and able to cope with the challenges of irregular migrations after joining the Schengen area.

The situation in Syria and its political solution remain essential for long-term stability at the global level. “It is important to support local authorities and institutions, promote good gov-ernance and foster dialogue and reconciliation between communities in order to prevent the resurgence of terrorism and violent extremism and ensure long-term stability. Croatia's assis-tance to Iraq and Syria has so far focused primarily on the education sector and the refugee communities of Syria and neighbouring countries. Croatia will explore the possibilities of strengthening its support for the stabilization programs of the Coalition, which includes mine action”, Minister Grlić Radman concluded.

On the sidelines of the Conference, the Minister held a series of bilateral meetings, including with the host Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, with whom he discussed region al and global challenges, as well as the importance of strengthening eco-nomic co-operation.
