Minister Grabar-Kitarović visited today, July 19, 2005, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission in Zagreb, where she met with the Mission head, Ambassador Vilallonga

Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović visited today, July 19, 2005, the OSCE Mission in Zagreb, where she met with the head of the OSCE Mission to Croatia, Ambassador Jorge Fuentes Monzonis Vilallonga

Minister Grabar-Kitarović participated at the regular meeting of the OSCE Mission, and presented the joint activities of the Republic of Croatia Government and the OSCE, the aim of which is the Republic of Croatia's soon accession to the European Union. She reported on the maximum efforts the Republic of Croatia Government was making as part of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement implementation, and in order to meet required conditions for the full membership in the European Union.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović also reported on the Republic of Croatia Government's plan to solve the refugees issue by the end of 2006, and on the overall reforms the Croatian government was making in the fields of judiciary, elections legislative, police, media and the society as a whole, as well as on other efforts made as part of the overall multilateral activities. Furthermore, she said the Republic of Croatia was a factor of the security policy in the region, participating in a number of activities concerning the prevention of organised crime, weapons of mass destruction proliferation, terrorism and human trafficking.

Head of the OCSE Mission in Zagreb, Ambassador Jorge Fuentes Monzonis Vilallonga presented the OSCE activities aimed at helping Croatia start its EU negotiations as soon as possible. He said he was extremely pleased with the partnership between the Republic of Croatia Government and the OSCE Mission.

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