Minister Grabar-Kitarović together with Minister of justice Lovrin participated in 15th National forum on EU accession

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović participated with Minister of Justice Ana Lovrin on Monday, 10 September 2007 in the 15th National Forum on the Accession to the European Union, titled “Judiciary reform and fight against corruption”

Minister Grabar-Kitarović pointed out that the EU continuously stresses that successful judiciary reform and efficient fight against corruption are the conditions that the Republic of Croatia, as well as other candidate countries, needs to fulfil in order to become an EU member. In this sense the achievement of European standards and their application in practice represent an unquestionable interest of the Republic of Croatia and its citizens and therefore the Government of the Republic of Croatia put the judiciary reform and fight against corruption on the top of its list of priorities, said Minister Grabar-Kitarović.

Minister Lovrin emphasized that the Republic of Croatia is aware of challenges that lay before it in terms of judiciary reform and that all the necessary reforms are approached comprehensively in order to achieve the main goal – responsible judicial system available to every citizen.

At the National Forum in Križevci there was also discussion about the measures and results of anti-corruption programme of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, reduction of pending cases, digitalization of cadastre, rationalization of the court network and strengthening of professionalism in the judicial system.

The National Forum on EU Accession is an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and its objective is to achieve the best possible level of information of the Croatian public on the process of accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union and to start public debate on this theme in all parts of Croatian society. In this sense Minister Grabar-Kitarović expressed satisfaction with the work of all the past National forums which succeeded in their intention to break misinformation and clear the truth about the EU membership.

The 15th National Forum brought together President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia Branko Hrvatin, head of Corruption and organized crime prevention office Dinko Cvitan, representatives of the State Attorney’s Office, EU Delegation, MPs members of the Parliamentary Judiciary Committee, representatives of the civil service, local government and self-government, academic community, non-governmental organisations, and private business sector.

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