Minister Grabar-Kitarović on official visit to Spain

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović paid 9 June 2006 an official visit to the Kingdom of Spain

Minister Grabar-Kitarović met with Senate’s President Fancisco Javier Rojo Garcia, familiarising him with Croatia’s achievements so far on its road to the Euro-Atlantic integration and the overall process of the EU membership negotiations. Minister Grabar-Kitarović thanked for Spain’s support to Croatia, expressing hope for the continuation of the good co-operation between the two countries.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović also met with the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation, Miguel Angel Moratinos, both pointing out the good bilateral relations between Croatia and Spain with no outstanding issues. Minister Grabar-Kitarović thanked for Spain’s trust in Croatia’s full co-operation with the ICTY and support on the eve of the EU membership negotiations.

The two foreign ministers also discussed the economic co-operation, especially in tourism, stressing that both countries share the interest in furthering the co-operation.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović also familiarised Minister Moratinos with the situation in the South East Europe, pointing out regional co-operation as one of Croatia’s foreign policy interests. The two ministers also discussed other issues of common interest, such as organised crime and corruption, visa regime liberalisation, transport, infrastructure and energy.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović informed Minister Moratinos about the recent election of Croatia to the Peace Building Commission, describing it as an area in which, in view of our recent history, Croatia has a lot to offer. Croatia placed itself on the forefront of the group of countries that sought representation in the Commission and countries that have experience both as receivers and lenders of UN peacekeeping forces. The Republic of Croatia saw four peacekeeping missions on its territory, from UNPROFOR to UNTAES, and with their assistance successfully carried out the peaceful reintegration process. Croatia is currently taking part in 11 peacekeeping missions throughout the world.

During the meeting, it was conformed that Croatia and Spain have completed the negotiations on signing the bilateral Agreement on Mutual Acceptance and Exchange of Driver’s Licences. Minister Grabar-Kitarović handed her Spanish colleague the text of the Agreement, to which the Spanish side, in accordance with its internal procedure, will reply as soon as possible. After the Spanish side’s formal reply, the Agreement will come into force.

At the working breakfast within the New Economy Forum, that gathers representatives of the diplomatic corps, leading businessmen, distinguished journalists and high Spanish officials, Minister Grabar-Kitarović pointed out that the enlargement policy is one of the European Union’s most successful policies. Two years after, the historic EU enlargement from 15 to 25 members proved to be economically successful. The economic growth and the increase of foreign investment are the chief indicator of the 10 new members’ successful economic integration – predominantly countries of Central and East Europe. In its most recent document entitled EU Enlargement – Two Years After, the European Commission portrays the recent EU enlargement as both politically and economically successful.

Today, at the Croatian Embassy in Madrid, Minister Grabar-Kitarović will award the civil medal of the Order of Danica Hrvatska with Marko Marulić’s image to distinguished international law professor Carlos J. Moreiro Gonzalez.

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