Minister Grabar-Kitarović led the Croatian delegation at the two-day meeting of the EU members and candidate countries’ development ministers

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović led the Croatian delegation at the two-day meeting of the EU members and candidate countries’ development ministers, chaired by the British Secretary of State for International Development Hillary Benn, and held 24 to 25 October 2005 in Leeds

The meeting’s main topics included the further improvement of the international aid system for the development of the underdeveloped countries, the influence of trade policy on fighting poverty and stimulating development, the EU statement on the aid policy towards the underdeveloped, and the partnership between the EU and Africa. right before the official start of the meeting, a discussion was held on the EU’s help to the victims of the earthquake in Pakistan and India.

Taking part in the discussion, Minister Grabar-Kitarović expressed Croatia’s support to the further development and co-ordination of the policy towards the underdeveloped, whose primary goal remains fighting poverty. She pointed out that the EU policy towards SEE can be a valuable lesson in what can be achieved, with a good co-ordination between the EU and the bilateral help by its members, in the stabilisation of the region, the creation of prosperity, and the reconstruction of the economic and social potentials. Such social development partnership must be based on freeing the human potential, stimulating the improvement of health and educational standards, equal opportunities for all, equal opportunities among genders, etc. Considering its experience in post-war reconstruction and stabilisation, for instance in mine action and in economic, social and institutional reconstruction, Minister Grabar-Kitarović expressed Croatia’s readiness to transfer its experiences to the countries faced with the same challenges.

Apart from the development ministers, the meeting also saw the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Louis Michel and Chairwoman of the European Parliament’s Development Committee Luisa Morgantini.

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