- Published: 29.11.2007.
Minister Grabar-Kitarović held series of bilateral meetings

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović held on 29 November 2007, on the margins of the 15th OSCE session in Madrid, at which she headed the Croatian delegation, a series of bilateral meetings
The meeting with Spanish Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman Moratinos reviewed OSCE activities in the past period, namely as regards the contribution to the stabilisation of the region and further implementation of OSCE principles and fundamental values in all areas of South Eastern Europe. Minister Moratinos commended the work of the OSCE Mission to Croatia in completing the chapters from its mandate, reiterating the familiar positions that open the way for the completion of its mandate in Croatia. The two ministers also reviewed the relations between the two countries, with a special emphasis on multilateral co-operation.
The meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, apart from bilateral relations, also focused on the exchange of opinions on the situation in South Eastern Europe. Both sides agreed that the current situation, namely the Kosovo negotiations and the development policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, demands full political responsibility, balance, and constructiveness on the part of all regional and international participants.
The meeting with the US Undersecretary Burns concluded the exceptionally well-developed and friendly relations between the two countries, and communicated a strong support on the part of the US for Croatia’s reform processes. The meeting further assessed the state of affairs in the region, with both sides agreeing that outstanding issues, primarily the Kosovo status, need to be resolved in a way that will contribute to the development of security in Europe, as well as to the reconstruction and strengthening of the co-operation among all of the international community factors.
The meeting with Belgian Foreign Minister and last year’s OSCE Chairman Karel De Gucht reviewed the topics concerning OSCE activities and the modalities of further co-operation between the two countries on the multilateral level, examined OSCE’s role in South Eastern Europe, and discussed the activities in fulfilling the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Croatia.