Minister Grabar-Kitarović chaired meeting of SEECP foreign ministers

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović chaired in Zagreb on 2 March 2007 the meeting of the foreign ministers of the South-East European Co-operation Process (SEECP). The meeting saw foreign ministers from SEECP participating countries or their deputies, as well as the representatives of Montenegro, European Commission, Germany’s EU presidency, Stability Pact for South East Europe, OSCE and UNMIK/Kosovo in the capacity of special guests

The ministers discussed the political situation in South East Europe and expressed satisfaction with the progress the region has made in strengthening the security, stability and neighbourly relations, and especially as regards the Euro-Atlantic integration. They pointed out the importance of EU enlargement towards South East Europe as a stimulation for carrying out the reforms and the spreading of the area of peace and stability. They welcomed the NATO Riga Summit and its results as a confirmation of the progress in implementing the reforms by its membership aspirants. The ministers pointed out the NATO membership, as well as participation in the Partnership for Peace programme, as important factors in the spreading of the trans-Atlantic security area onto the area of South East Europe.

The ministers also reviewed the events around the solving of Kosovo’s status, stressing the importance of that issue for the future of security and stability in South East Europe and expressing support for the efforts of UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari. They also stressed the importance of Kosovo as a democratic and multiethnic society based on the rule of law, minority protection, protection of cultural goods, and the co-operation and solidarity of all communities. They pointed out the Euro-Atlantic perspective as the best framework for the solution of the issue. The ministers invited both sides to maintain the dialogue and consultations with the Special Envoy, stressing their interest for a unified Contact Group. They confirmed SEECP’s interest to remain involved in the process.

As an important contribution to economic development and the liberalisation and strengthening of trade, the ministers welcomed the signing and emphasised the importance of ratifying the new CEFTA 2006 Agreement, initiated by Croatia.

Within the context of continuing the discussions on setting up new structures of regional co-operation and strengthening SEECP as a political framework of regional co-operation, the ministers welcomed the work on setting up the Regional Co-operation Council, to be founded pursuant to the Stability Pact transformation. It will contain all of the SEECP participants, the European Commission and the international community. The ministers reached decisions on the procedure of electing the seat for the Regional Co-operation Council and its future secretary general. They also requested of the SEECP Board of Political Directors to continue working on the amendments to the SEECP founding document – the Charter of Good-Neighbourly Relations, Stability, Security and Co-operation in the South East Europe, to reflect the new circumstances of a strengthened regional co-operation and its new structures. The Chairman, Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, presented the activities that Croatia would organise by the end of its presidency in May 2007. The Regional Energy Conference is to be held on 3 April 2007, the meeting of justice and interior ministers on 12 and 13 April 2007, and the meeting of parliament speakers on 15 and 16 April 2007. Croatia will end its presidency with a meeting of SEECP heads of state and government on 11 May 2007.

The ministers expresses satisfaction over the fact that on the latter meeting the Republic of Montenegro will become the 11th SEECP participant.

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