Minister Gordan Jandroković signed the Memorandum on the Introduction of a Multi-Annual French Language Teaching Programme in the Croatian Public Administration

When signing the Memorandum, Minister Jandroković said that the transfer of knowledge and experiences related to the European Union through diverse forms of professional seminars, lectures and conferences, represents a noteworthy support which shall undoubtedly contribute to better prepare civil servants for their future work when the Republic of Croatia joins the European Union

When signing the Memorandum, Minister Jandroković said that the transfer of knowledge and experiences related to the European Union through diverse forms of professional seminars, lectures and conferences, represents a noteworthy support which shall undoubtedly contribute to better prepare civil servants for their future work when the Republic of Croatia joins the European Union.

The Minister expressed his conviction that the first-rate content and a great number of course takers, reaching almost 700, show that the implementation of the preceding three-year French language programme for civil servants was justified. He also said that Croatia always actively promoted openness towards the wealth of different cultures and multiculturalism, and hence also multilingualism and language identity promotion.

Croatia has also recognized the political dimension of the International Organisation of the Francophonie – the affirmation of universal democratic principles, the rules of law, respect for human rights, promotion of peace, solidarity and collaboration. Minister Jandroković also underlined that Croatia, as member of the NATO, the United Nations Security Council as well as a candidate country for membership in the European Union, wishes more strongly to contribute to the promotion and preservation of the said principles together with other countries.

It is through the Memorandum that the International Organisation of the Francophonie, together with its partners – France, Luxembourg and the Belgian French-Speaking Community – finances diverse forms of activities aimed at enhancing language skills of civil servant and diplomats in international cooperation, especially those participating in the EU-related tasks. This encompasses numerous French language courses as well as specialized seminars on the subject of European integration. In 2009, the International Organisation of the Francophonie, together with its partners, shall provide funding for activities in the Republic of Croatia in the amount of EUR 88,380.

Besides Minister Jandroković, the Memorandum was also signed by Secretary General of the International Organisation of the Francophonie Abdou Diouf, Ambassador of the French Republic in the Republic of Croatia François Saint-Paul and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in the Republic of Croatia Marc de Schoutheete de Tervarent.

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