Minister Gordan Jandroković received on inaugural visit Indian Ambassador Pradeep Singh

Minister Jandroković congratulated Ambassador Singh for his appointment to the ambassadorial duty, wishing him success and a pleasant stay in Croatia

Minister Jandroković congratulated Ambassador Singh for his appointment to the ambassadorial duty, wishing him success and a pleasant stay in Croatia. The collocutors pointed out that Croatia and India are bound by a time-honored friendship and understanding, adding that the bilateral relations could stand to be enhanced content-wise, especially in economy. As possible areas of cooperation, Ambassador Singh pointed out trade, investment and science, for which joint projects already exist, but need to be concretized. The collocutors focused on the possibility of using the Port of Rijeka for the placement of Indian products on the markets of Central and Eastern Europe.

Ambassador Singh informed Minister Jandroković about the completed parliamentary elections in India, as well as about the course of the negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement with the EU, which should be closed by the end of the year.

Finally, Ambassador Singh congratulated Croatia on its accession to NATO membership, expressing hope that Croatia’s EU negotiations would soon see their successful completion.

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