Minister Gordan Jandroković met with his host, Minister Jiechi in Beijing

Minister Jandroković underlined Croatia’s firm commitment to developing and enhancing the partnership with the People’s Republic of China and used this occasion to again express full support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of China, i.e. the “One China” policy. He also expressed satisfaction regarding the continued political dialogue at the level of foreign ministers, as well as holding regular political consultations between the two ministries and cooperation of the Diplomatic Academies.

The collocutors described the relations between the two states as very good, developed and dynamic. As proof of this, they singled out last year’s visit of the President of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao. This was the first visit of a Chinese president to the Republic of Croatia, which additionally reinforced the friendship and high level of political trust between the two states. The importance of this meeting at the highest level was confirmed by the attendance of the Chinese delegation headed by Minister of Culture Cai Wu at the inauguration of President of the Republic of Croatia Ivo Josipović.

Minister Jandroković emphasised that the economic cooperation had the priority in the overall bilateral relations, primarily if the very good political relations are regarded as the basis for the strengthening of the economic cooperation, including the 10th meeting of the Mixed Croatia-Chinese Committee for Economic Cooperation to be held in 2012, and the interest in promoting the highest forms of economic cooperation – such as joint investments in production activities and participation of the Chinese companies in tendering procedures for large infrastructural projects in Croatia. As regards concrete economic projects, the ministers talked about the projects of modernisation of the Croatian railway infrastructure, Zagreb Airport and the Port of Rijeka, and privatisation of the Croatian shipyards.

The ministers endorsed the idea to organise meetings of the Croatian and Chinese businessmen during the Zagreb Autumn Fair, and the idea that 50 young Croats should visit China.

During the talks about the cooperation in international organisations and the most important international political issues, Minister Jandroković said that the Republic of Croatia recognised the importance of the Chinese international role in maintaining the “world harmony”, adding his high appreciation of China’s commitment to take on an important role in the contemporary foreign policy arena. The collocutors exchanged opinions on the cooperation of the two states in the United Nations, especially concerning the reforms of the Security Council.

Minister Jandroković informed Minister Yang Jiechi about the current status of Croatia’s EU accession process. He underlined that this process will not affect mutual relations achieved thus far; on the contrary, it will serve as the opportunity to enhance them even further. He reminded his Chinese colleague that the Republic of Croatia will be presented this year in the People’s Republic of China on the World Exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. He also invited Minister Yang Jiechi to visit the Republic of Croatia.

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