Minister Gordan Jandroković met during official visit to Turkey with President Abdullah Gül

The collocutors agreed that the relations between Croatia and Turkey are very good, well-developed and devoid of outstanding issues

The collocutors agreed that the relations between Croatia and Turkey are very good, well-developed and devoid of outstanding issues. They expressed satisfaction with the number of bilateral agreements, which regulate the various aspects of mutual relations. The collocutors pointed out the need for a more intensive economic cooperation. Minister Jandroković once again invited the Turkish investors to invest in Croatia.

He familiarized President Gül with the actualities of Croatia’s EU accession process, pointing out Croatia’s firm dedication to completing it by the end of this year and to the drafting of the Treaty of Accession. He thanked for the Turkish side’s support for Croatia’s NATO membership. He added that Croatia follows with great interest the debates on Turkey’s EU membership, as well as those about the future of Europe, expressing belief that Turkey belongs to the European space, culture and economy.

The collocutors also talked about the current political and security situation in South Eastern Europe, concluding the congruencies in the position on the issues in the region. Minister Jandroković emphasized the importance of Turkey as a country capable of having an intermediary role, not only between different cultures, but between the countries of different regions. Croatia, therefore, respects Turkey’s active role in the various regional processes and initiatives.

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