Minister Gordan Jandroković held press conference on meeting with Slovenian FM Samuel Žbogar, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn

Minister Jandroković informed the press that Croatia and Slovenia had continued the negotiations and were seeking a mutually acceptable solution

Minister Jandroković informed the press that Croatia and Slovenia had continued the negotiations and were seeking a mutually acceptable solution. He pointed out that Croatia’s position remains the same. “Croatia insists that the negotiations process be separated from the border issue, that the negotiations be unblocked immediately, and that border be drawn in accordance with the international law and before an international body of justice”, said Jandroković.

“Since Slovenia does not share these views, the European Commission and Commissioner Rehn have come up with a new proposal which should lead to a compromise solution”, said Jandroković, adding that Croatia is analyzing said proposal together with international jurists and will inform the European Commission and the Slovenian side about its position.

Minister Jandroković reiterated that Croatia is not seeking anything that is not in accord with the European values and principles, or is outside of the principles of the international law.

Press releases