Minister Gordan Jandroković gave an interview in the central news and political broadcast on the Chinese state television CCTV

When speaking about the bilateral relations, he pointed out the historical and political importance of the first visit of the President of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao to the Republic of Croatia in June 2009, which confirmed and additionally strengthened the friendship and the high level of mutual political trust.

The excellent political relations represent a good basis for enhancing the economic cooperation, which should become the priority in the upcoming period of the overall bilateral relations, stressed Minister Jandroković, adding that the Chinese investors had been offered several projects that are vital for Croatia. This is, first and foremost, the construction and modernisation of the railway infrastructure from Rijeka to the border with Hungary, construction and extension of “Pleso” Airport and the Port of Rijeka, and participation in the privatisation of the Croatian shipyards.

Having regard to the great potential of the Chinese tourism market, Minister Jandroković invited the Chinese to visit the Republic of Croatia and see in person the beauties of nature and richness of the cultural and historical heritage of our country. In this respect, the Minister reminded of the recent decision of the Croatian Government on lifting the visa regime for the Chinese tourists if they have a valid Schengen Visa, and if they are visiting Croatia in an organised group.

The Minister said that the liberalisation of the visa regime could open the possibility for significantly larger number of Chinese tourists than last year, amounting to around 7000.

In the conclusion of the interview, the Minister mentioned Croatia’s accession negotiations, emphasising that the Republic of Croatia should become a full member of the European Union in 2012.

The next stop on Minister Jandroković’s official visit to China is Shaanxi Province, where he will meet with the Governor of the Province Yuan Chunqing and other local officials.

Press releases