Minister Dr Miomir Žužul and Minister Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović have held a press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister Žužul informed the attending journalists that negotiations on Croatia’s joining the EU could be expected to begin in March next year. He offered the estimate that negotiations could last two years and end in 2007. In negotiating, Croatia would use the experience of the recently admitted members of the European Union in an attempt to complete the adjustments and negotiations relatively quickly, but first and foremost to do it efficiently and well.

Minister Žužul and Minister Grabar Kitarović said that the negotiating team will be staffed within the next month and contain, in addition to the main negotiator, ten more experts. Minister Grabar Kitarović said she expected some chapters of negotiations to demand more attentive talks and coordination, and Minister Žužul said that negotiations included two groups - general issues and specific issues related to the Republic of Croatia as a future EU Member State. They said that the negotiating team will be staffed in accordance with the criteria of competence and professionalism. Dr Žužul announces that prior to negotiations, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the European Communities in Brussels will be substantially reinforced diplomatically and with staff.

Minister Žužul and Minister Grabar Kitarović handed the journalists the working proposal containing the list of bodies and agencies whose participation in the negotiations is considered necessary by the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

Press releases