- Published: 28.01.2018.
MFEA sends note to Serbia over Dačić’s statements at Jasenovac exhibition

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs sent a note to the Serbian Embassy in Zagreb, expressing dissatisfaction with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić’s statements at the opening of an exhibition on the Jasenovac WWII concentration camp at the UN
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs sent a note to the Serbian Embassy in Zagreb, expressing dissatisfaction with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić’s statements at the opening of an exhibition on the Jasenovac WWII concentration camp at the UN on 25 January 2018.
The note reads that Dačić’s statements at the UN showed that Serbia is continuing to abuse and manipulate the Jasenovac victims for current political purposes. Such untrue and offensive statements referring to Croatia and its officials bring into doubt the sincerity of Serbia’s declarative position on its wish for reconciliation and for building good neighbourly relations.