MFEA repeats strong protest to Slovenia, demands removal of wire from Croatian territory

The Ministry of Foreign and European Integration lodged a diplomatic note with the Slovenian Embassy in Zagreb today, reiterating strong protest against continuing the unlawful putting up of barbed wire fence on Croatian territory

The Ministry of Foreign and European Integration lodged a diplomatic note with the Slovenian Embassy in Zagreb today, reiterating strong protest against continuing the unlawful putting up of barbed wire fence on Croatian territory along the Sutla River in the Croatian municipality of Dubravice. The note states that Slovenia replied to the protest letter from 12 November in an unconvincing manner, completely ignoring the fact that even according to Slovenia’s official land records the fence in certain places had been erected on Croatian territory.

Slovenia was therefore once again called on to remove the fence from Croatia’s national territory.

The note also reads that if Slovenia feels it has to surround itself with barbed wire, it should do so on its own territory, respecting the former border between the two republics, which at the point of independence became the international border between the two countries, as built into the foundation of the Slovenian state by the Basic Constitutional Charter on the Independence and Sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia (Temeljna ustavna listina o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije) from 25 June 1991. 

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