MFEA reacts to recent events in Serbia

Indicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj is trying to influence the region, notably the relations between Croatia and Serbia, by using hate speech, war rhetoric and symbolism and by setting the Croatian flag on fire outside the Hall of Justice in Belgrade

Indicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj is trying to influence the region, notably the relations between Croatia and Serbia, by using hate speech, war rhetoric and symbolism and by setting the Croatian flag on fire outside the Hall of Justice in Belgrade. The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, according to the Serbian media, has reacted by launching criminal proceedings, which we see as a step towards defusing the situation.

In such circumstances, it is the duty of the politicians to deescalate the situation and act in a rational and responsible manner. European values presuppose good-neighbourly relations and correct behaviour in the region, which is one of the preconditions for the success of Serbia’s EU entry talks.

In that regard, we consider today’s statements by high-ranking politician Aleksandar Vulin to be offensive, unacceptable and completely irresponsible.

Because of the incident, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs has expressed strong protest to Serbian Chargé d’Affaires in Croatia Bosa Prodanović, while Croatian Ambassador to Serbia Gordan Markotić will be called back for consultations in Zagreb. 

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