MFAEI sent a note to Slovenian Embassy expressing strong protest against the Decree on determining the Slovenia’s fishing area

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration sent today, 6 January 2006, a note to Slovenian Embassy expressing strong protest against the Decree on determining Slovenia’s fishing area, adopted at the yesterday’s session of the Slovenian Government

The MFAEI rejects that Decree in full, considering it to be unacceptable, and legally null and void.

The MFAEI considers it to be an unacceptable decision that can be interpreted as an attempt at reaching out for the Croatian national territory. The Decree on determining Slovenia’s fishing area is in stark contrast to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The MFAEI considers it completely unacceptable for the Slovenian side to try to one-sidedly seize all of the waters in Savudrijska vala that belong to both Croatia and Slovenia, and try to determine the Slovenian territorial sea as spreading from the Croatian land (Cape Savudrija).

The MFAEI wishes to point out that the Decree runs contrary to the Joint Statement on the avoidance of incidents adopted on Brijuni, at the joint session of the Croatian and Slovenian government. Finally, the Decree clashes with the international law and the basic principles of international relations, including the founding principles of the EU.

The MFAEI deems that this decision by the Slovenian Government also confirms the political and legal validity of the Croatian Government’s formal proposition sent to the Slovenian Government to submit the matter of the territorial sea border to an international legal body.

The MFAEI informed the European Commission about all of the above.

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