MFAEI received with regret news about Iranian Government’s conference to question Holocaust

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration received with regret the news about the conference organised 11 and 12 December 2006 in Teheran by the Iranian Government to question the “realities and scope of the Holocaust”

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration received with regret the news about the conference organised 11 and 12 December 2006 in Teheran by the Iranian Government to question the “realities and scope of the Holocaust”.

The Republic of Croatia condemns the holding of the conference, as well as any attempt to deny or relativise the tragedy of the Holocaust, especially the inappropriate accompanying statements and manifestations that represent an insult to the victims and their families. As a country that has survived the horrors of the Second World War and a victim of the recent aggression, the Republic of Croatia considers unacceptable the statements questioning or denying the certain countries or nations the right to exist, as well as the statements denying the historical facts and the international community’s positions on the Holocaust.

As a member of the Task Force for International Co-operation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research, the Republic of Croatia fully joins the international community’s condemnation of the conference.

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