MFAEI organized presentation of RCC activities at Croatian Chamber of Economy

The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is a key framework within which the countries of South Eastern Europe, the European Commission, and international donors decide on projects of importance to the region’s countries

The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is a key framework within which the countries of South Eastern Europe, the European Commission, and international donors decide on projects of importance to the region’s countries.

Greeting speeches were held by Director for Neighbouring Countries and South Eastern Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Davor Vidiš and Vice-President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy Dunja Konjevod. Director Vidiš pointed out the importance the Croatian Government places on the cooperation in South Eastern Europe, emphasizing that the RCC has in its first year of existence already shown exceptional effectiveness and become the chief collocutor of the EU and other international factors as regards regional cooperation.

The RCC Secretary General Hido Biščević stressed the Council’s basic goal – assisting the countries in the region in realizing their Euro-Atlantic ambitions. “All of the SEE countries are now in one way or another institutionally linked with the EU”, he said. “They have become aware that regional cooperation holds no hidden agendas, but is an obligation and a modus vivendi of all European countries”, concluded Biščević and invited all of the state bodies and institutions to continue supporting the Council’s activities.

The meeting ended with a presentation by the RCC experts of the concrete plans and projects from the five priority areas: economic and social development, energy and infrastructure, justice and internal affairs, security issues, and the building of human capital.

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