MFAEI Minister Grabar-Kitarović received to official visit Spain’s Foreign Minister Moratinos

Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met in Zagreb today, on May 19, 2005, the Kingdom of Spain Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, who is, with his official delegation, paying a two-day visit to Croatia

Minister Grabar-Kitarović made the Spanish foreign minister familiar with Croatia's efforts and decisiveness in fulfilling all its commitments in order to enter the European Union. At the meeting, the two countries' ministers said they were pleased with their countries' bilateral relations, and stressed out there were no open issues left. Minister Grabar-Kitarović announced a trip to Madrid of the Croatian delegation, headed by the chief negotiator with the EU, Vladimir Drobnjak, in order to determine the specifics of Spain's technical cooperation and support to Croatia in its EU entry negotiations.

Minister Moratinos said he wished for the negotiations on full membership in the European Union to start as soon as possible, which would please everybody. Spain wants a more intense cooperation in the fields of economy, culture and education. In the field of economy, both sides wished for a better cooperation, and announced soon meetings of the economy delegations. Minister Moratinos pointed to the possibility of opening Cervantes Institute in Zagreb, in order to enhance cultural and educational cooperation. He also said he was pleased with Minister Grabar-Kitarović's being present at the Cordoba summit on fighting anti-Semitism, terrorism and all forms of violence.

Croatian Finance Minister Ivan Šuker and the Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Morations signed in the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry today a contract between the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of Spain on double taxation avoidance, and on the prevention of avoiding paying income and capital taxes. After signing the document, Minister Šuker emphasised the need to increase the trade of goods with the Kingdom of Spain, as well as the economy cooperation.

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