MFAEI hosted 4th meeting of EU-Croatia Stabilisation and Association Committee

The meeting took place at a time when accession negotiations with Croatia have entered a decisive phase

The meeting took place at a time when accession negotiations with Croatia have entered a decisive phase. So far, negotiations were opened on 21 chapters and provisionally closed on 4. Along with 2008 Progress Report, the European Commission in November 2008 adopted the 2008-2009 Strategy Paper, with annexed road map for reaching the final stage of accession negotiations with Croatia. The road map states that it should be possible to reach the final stage by the end of 2009, provided that Croatia fulfils all the necessary conditions.

The meeting was chaired by Davor Božinović, State Secretary for European Integration in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia. Mr. David Daly, acting Director in the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement led the European Commission Delegation.

The two Parties held constructive exchange of views on the latest developments with regard to the political and economic criteria and on Croatia’s alignment with the Community acquis, implementation of SAA as well as on the challenges ahead.

The Committee stressed the importance of the political criteria. While it noted the progress in the implementation of the judicial reform and the fight against corruption, it stressed the importance of investing sustained efforts into the accelerated implementation of the said reforms, as well as the need for increased efforts in fight against organised crime. In addition, the need for further targeted efforts in the area of public administration reform was highlighted, with the aim of ensuring its overall efficiency and professionalism. As regards cooperation between Croatia and ICTY, it was underlined that full cooperation with the ICTY remained essential. The Committee recalled the need to further ensure the prosecution of war crimes in Croatia, in accordance with common standards. The need for full implementation of programmes related to refugee return was underlined, as well as the full implementation of the legislative framework related to the protection of minority rights. The importance of regional cooperation and good-neighbourly relations was stressed.

As regards economic criteria, recent economic developments, structural reforms (enterprise restructuring and privatisation, pension, health and social benefit reform, debt management, business environment) as well as the economic dialogue between the Commission and Croatia were discussed.

The Committee reviewed progress with regard to the Implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and approximation with the acquis in negotiations chapters. It was emphasised that adoption of legislation relevant to the acquis is progressing but that further efforts are needed, including with regard to implementation and the build-up of administrative capacity.

The general conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Committee was that Croatia continues on its road towards EU membership and with the overall reform process and should in particular focus on fulfilling remaining obligations from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the priorities from the Accession Partnership, as well as by continuing to invest additional efforts to fulfil all the membership criteria.

The Stabilisation and Association Committee is a joint body comprising representatives from the European Commission and the EU Member States, on one side, and representatives from the Government of Croatia, on the other.

The main task of the Stabilisation and Association Committee is to review the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, which had entered into force on 1 February 2005 and is a comprehensive agreement which provides the contractual framework for relations between the EU and Croatia during the pre-accession period. It establishes a political dialogue, provides for the creation of a free trade area by 2007 for industrial products and most agricultural products, foresees the approximation of Croatian legislation to the Community acquis, and wide-ranging cooperation in all areas of Community policies, including in the area of justice and home affairs.

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