Meeting of SEECP political directors held as part of Croatia’s SEECP chairmanship 13 and 14 February 2007 in MFAEI

As a part of Croatia’s SEECP chairmanship, a meeting of SEECP political directors was held on 13 and 14 February 2007 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, chaired by State Secretary for Political Affairs and Co-ordinator of Croatia’s SEECP Chairmanship Hido Biščević

Within the context of the Stability Pact’s exit strategy for South East Europe and the simultaneous strengthening of SEECP, the political directors paid special attention to the future principles of regional co-operation in South East Europe, in which SEECP will play a central role. In that regard they reviewed the political and legal documents to be adopted at the SEECP foreign ministers’ meeting in Zagreb on 1 and 2 March 2007 and at the meeting of SEECP heads of state and government on 11 May 2007 in Zagreb, at which expected to take part are European Commission’s President Jose Manuel Barroso and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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