Meeting of EU directors for disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control

Directors from the EU member states in charge of disarmament, non-proliferation of WMDs and arms control as well as EEAS representatives held an informal meeting 16 and 17 March in Zagreb

Directors from the EU member states in charge of disarmament, non-proliferation of WMDs and arms control as well as EEAS representatives held an informal meeting 16 and 17 March in Zagreb. The participants discussed the matters of small arms and light weapons, the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and the Antipersonnel Mines Convention and the NPT Review Conference.

Assistant Foreign Minister Vesna Batistić Kos underlined the importance Croatia, directly as well as through RACVIAC, placed on international security, disarmament, WMD non-proliferation and arms control, thus significantly contributing to peace, stability and security in Southeast Europe.

Special Representative of the US President for Nuclear Non-proliferation, Ambassador Adam Scheinman, highlighted the importance of the NPT Review Conference, stressing the constructive role the EU played in the whole process, while Director for NATO and International Security Sanja Bujas Juraga pointed out this year’s three events that are extremely important for the issue of disarmament: apart from the NPT Review Conference, the First Conference of States Parties to the Arms Treaty and the First Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions are to be held as well, the latter hosted and chaired by Croatia. 

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