Media coverage of Croatia’s EU presidency

January 1st 2020 will mark the official start of Croatia’s Council of the EU presidency...

January 1st 2020 will mark the official start of Croatia’s Council of the EU presidency. In order to cover events that will take place during the next six months, media representatives (both domestic and foreign) have to have a valid accreditation and be registered for the event they want to attend.


  1. Submit application at the accreditation system
  2. Obtain accreditation at Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 8, 10000 Zagreb
  3. Register for individual events (

Once approved, the accreditation is valid for the entire six-month presidency. However, in order to attend a certain event, accreditation has to be activated by registering (applying) for each event individually.

All details on the accreditation process and press centre can be found at

The first event will be a visit by the European Commission on 10 January 2020 at the National and University Library (NSK).

Although NSK will host more than 130 events during Croatia’s presidency, the library will remain open to students and the public throughout most of them. The exception will be high and highest-level visits, including the one by the European Commission, during which library will be off limits for security reasons, on which timely announcements will be made.


Press releases