May 22nd 2010 marked 18 years since Croatia joined the UN, successfully completing its struggle for international recognition

During its 18-year membership, Croatia has grown from an object into an international relations subject

At the same time, Croatia then saw the launching of one of the largest peacekeeping operations in the UN history – UNPROFOR. By acting upon the various UN mandates in Croatia (UNPROFOR, UNCRO, UNTAES, UNMOP), the Croatian diplomacy has contributed to the evolution of the concept of peacekeeping operations, the UN sanctions, international criminal law and post-conflict stabilization.

During its 18-year membership, Croatia has grown from an object into an international relations subject and had the opportunity to participate in numerous UN bodies, commissions, committees and programs, as well as other specialized organizations and bodies. Furthermore, Croatian diplomats, judges and experts have received the highest recognitions for their work and thus contributed to the development of certain thematic areas and the solving of numerous modern-day challenges facing the international community (the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, financing sustainable development, climate changes, reform of the UN system and so on).

Croatia’s membership was also marked by significant diplomatic achievements within the UN, namely membership in ECOSOC, Peacebuilding Commission and, most recently, the Security Council, which represent the pinnacle of every country’s foreign-policy efforts.

The election into the Security Council confirmed the role of Croatia as a responsible and respected member of the international community. Also, it further strengthened Croatia’s reputation within the UN, as well as in a wider international context. The experience of working in the Security Council will benefit the Croatian diplomats, which have gained specific knowledge and made important contacts useful for their future activities, especially in seeking agreement on important international issues within NATO and soon within the EU.

Cooperating with the UN is one of Croatia’s central foreign-policy activities. Croatia, therefore, intends to continue with the active participation in its work, focusing on the preservation of global peace and security, drawing from the experience gained through the membership in the Security Council, primarily through post-conflict reconstruction, peace building, development of democratic institutions and the rule of law.

In light of that, Croatia has recently reapplied for membership in the Peacebuilding Commission’s Organizational Committee for the 2012-2013 period. Croatia has thus shown its continued dedication to the preservation and building of peace, and continues to take equal part in nine UN peacekeeping missions worldwide, as well as offer training for future peacekeeping mission members in both the military and civil component.

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