Foreign Minister Pusić met British Minister of State McNally

Both officials expressed satisfaction with excellent bilateral relations, saying they should further deepen once Croatia joined the EU

Both officials expressed satisfaction with excellent bilateral relations, saying they should further deepen once Croatia joined the EU. Pusić expressed satisfaction with the positive outcome of the recent referendum on Croatia's EU membership and thanked the UK for supporting Croatia along its path to Euro-Atlantic associations. She also expressed hope the British parliament would ratify Croatia's EU Accession Treaty as soon as possible.

Pusić also informed McNally about the implemented reforms and progress Croatia had made during its EU entry talks, notably those included in Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. She presented in short the future European affairs coordination within the state administration, to be led by the European Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

McNally praised Croatia’s progress, stressing that the United Kingdom saw Croatia as a true ally and partner in the EU, as well as in many other regional and global initiatives.

The talks also focused on the situation in southeast Europe and supported Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the countries in the region. They agreed Croatia could serve as an example to the countries in the region and help them with its experience.

McNally familiarized Pusić with Britain’s views on the reform of the European Court of Human Rights. Both officials voiced support for a stronger role of the court and the implementation of additional measures to ensure its effectiveness.

The two officials also discussed plans for the forthcoming visit of Minister of State for Europe David Lidington to Croatia.

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