Following the case of illicit surveillance, recording and publishing of recorded material, and illegal use of the official vehicle....

Immediately after learning of these two cases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration conducted an urgent investigation involving the representatives of the Secretariat, the Department for Internal Control, Financial Management and Supervision, and the Directorate for Security Analysis, Communications and Protection.

On that occasion it was established that the illicit surveillance, recording and publication of the recorded material was carried out by a security employee with the mandate at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Washington, what he personally confirmed. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration sent an urgent request to initiate proceedings before the Civil Service Court against the employee in question, due to a grave violation of official duty.

The inquiry also disclosed that the official vehicle was used illegally by the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to USA, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.

Together with the official car of the Croatian Embassy Cadillac DTS, with a driver available 24 hours a day, Ambassador Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović used for herself and her family the other official vehicle, Toyota Sienna. It was found that the mileage in the period from 22 July 2008 until 4 March 2010 reached 47,778 kilometres, for which no required records were kept as laid down in the acts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

Accepting such practice could open a possibility for any head of mission (81 diplomatic and consular posts) to have available an additional official vehicle for themselves and their families with paid expenses 24 hours a day.

Due to this, the Ambassador will be called for an interview in the Republic of Croatia for further explanations. She was also ordered to return the vehicle to the Embassy and to use it in line with the acts of the Ministry, and to reimburse unjustified costs.

Press releases