FM Pusić expects better cooperation between refugee transit countries

Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić said in Luxembourg on Thursday she hoped that the countries through which refugees were passing would agree better cooperation and coordination

(Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić said in Luxembourg on Thursday she hoped that the countries through which refugees were passing would agree better cooperation and coordination so that those people could be decently provided for.

“I expect some sort of new beginning in the cooperation, which hasn’t been the best, as it was more a shifting of the crisis onto others and making up figures, although we know approximately how many people are passing. The same cohort of people is going from Turkey to Germany across our whole region,” she said arriving at a conference on the east Mediterranean and western Balkan route through which refugees from the Middle East are heading towards Western Europe.

Pusić said the conference should be used for better coordination and cooperation between the transit countries, as an opportunity to agree a slower pace of bringing refugees to the borders. ”We can agree when to slow down the brining of people to the border so that they can be decently provided for.”

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