- Published: 15.07.2019.
FM Pejčinović Burić attends FAC

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić 15 July 2019 attended a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić 15 July 2019 attended a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC).
Items on the agenda included Iran, Iraq, Central African Republic and external aspects of migration.
The Council discussed Iran in light of the developments in the region and recent announcements by Tehran to reduce its implementation of certain aspects of the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA). Ministers expressed grave concern over the situation and underscored the importance of defusing tensions in the region, reiterating that the EU’s commitment to the nuclear deal depends on Iran’s fulfilling all of the obligations.
In light of the rising violence and instability in the Central African Republic, the Council discussed how the EU could further strengthen its support to encourage further implementation of the peace agreement of 6 February 2019. Ministers agreed to start working on plans for a possible civilian mission to support the security system reform.
The Council discussed the external aspects of migration, reflecting on the support for the origin and transit countries, notably Libya and the Mediterranean, as well as on other political, developmental, security and economic measures against illegal migration and migrant trafficking. Pejčinović Burić informed the Council of migratory pressure in Southeast Europe and Croatia’s steps to protect the EU external border.
Ministers exchanged views on the situation in Moldova with Moldovan Foreign Minister, Nicolae Popescu. They welcomed the new government’s commitment to reforms and the European path, for the support of which the EU will prepare a set of concrete measures.
The Council also briefly reflected on other topical international issues – the situation in Venezuela, Sudan, Sahel, Ethiopia and the Eastern Mediterranean.