FM Kovač congratulates Statehood Day

On this day 25 years ago Croatia was proclaimed an independent and sovereign state. Let us all recall the historic importance of said decision by the Croatian parliament

On this day 25 years ago Croatia was proclaimed an independent and sovereign state. Let us all recall the historic importance of said decision by the Croatian parliament, the wisdom and daring of first president Franjo Tuđman, and the courage of Croatian defenders who sacrificed themselves for Croatia. We have every right to be proud of our path from the first free and democratic elections in 1990 to the sovereign and stable democracy of today, firmly rooted in our common European home and the Atlantic community. The vision of Franjo Tuđman, our first president and founder, has been realized. The sacrifices suffered along that path by our entire society demand a responsibility and lasting commitment to building a better today and tomorrow for all our citizens.

To all the Croats at home and abroad, I congratulate the 25th of June – the Statehood Day!

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