FM Kovač comments on unacceptable referendum in Republika Srpska

(Hina) – Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač applauded Serbian top officials’ distancing themselves from the announced referendum in Republika Srpska

(Hina) – Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač applauded Serbian top officials’ distancing themselves from the announced referendum in Republika Srpska, hopeful it would contribute to its stopping.

“We applaud the fact that the Serbian authorities have distanced themselves from Republika Srpska officials’ intention to hold the referendum,” Kovač said in a telephone interview for Sarajevo TV network TV1 from Potsdam, where he was attending an OSCE conference.

Kovač reiterated Croatia’s position that we find unacceptable Republika Srpska authorities’ plan to hold a referendum 25 September in order to challenge the jurisdiction of judicial institutions at the state level. He expressed hope that the Serbian president and prime minister’s position would influence Republika Srpska to give up on the referendum.

“It is very important that Serbia’s top officials have proven themselves to be reasonable and constructive,” Kovač said.

He underlined that for Croatia the most important thing was that Bosnia and Herzegovina progresses along its European path and that Croatia was willing to lend it all the support it needed.  

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