Extraordinary FAC meeting

Zagreb 6 March 2020 hosted an extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), a day after the informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers (Gymnich) in Lužnica

Zagreb 6 March 2020 hosted an extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), a day after the informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers (Gymnich) in Lužnica.

The ministers discussed the situation in Syria, notably the Idlib area, which is cause for concern and represents a risk for the wider region. The Council reiterated its call on parties to implement a ceasefire and ensure the protection of civilians and access to humanitarian aid.

Moreover, the ministers discussed diplomatic engagement in de-escalating the situation and offering concrete assistance to member states facing increased migratory pressure. They underscored full solidarity with Greece, which has borne the brunt of the situation, as well as with Bulgaria and Cyprus.

“Croatia, which is facing increased pressure at the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, stresses the importance of cooperation with Southeast European countries and helping them deal with the migratory pressure and all the challenges it entails”, Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman stated at the joint press conference with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

In addition, Grlić Radman underlined the importance of dialogue with Turkey, which is housing four million migrants and refugees, and its implementation of the provisions of the 2016 Joint Statement.


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