Exhibition on Croatian UNESCO monuments and St. Jacob’s cathedral opened in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Exhibition on Croatian UNESCO monuments and St. Jacob’s cathedral in Šibenik opened yesterday, 18 October 2005, in St. Jacob’s shrine in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

The exhibition took place in the cloister of St. Martin in the immediate vicinity of St. Jacob’s basilica and was organised by the City Government of Santiago, the Croatian Ministry of Culture, the City of Šibenik and the Croatian Embassy to Madrid.

In front of more than a 100 guests, the exhibition was opened by the Croatian Ambassador to Spain Filip Vučak and the mayors of Santiago and Šibenik, Xosé Sánches Bugallo and Neda Klarić. The exhibition was set up to commemorate the 450th anniversary of building the Šibenik cathedral of St. Jacob and the pilgrimage of the believers from the Šibenik diocese to Santiago, and remains open until 20 November 2005.

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