EU greenlights naval mission to target people smugglers

(Hina) - EU foreign ministers gave a green light to a naval mission on Monday to target gangs smuggling migrants in the Mediterranean

(Hina) - EU foreign ministers gave a green light to a naval mission on Monday to target gangs smuggling migrants in the Mediterranean, however a more harsh approach will require authorisation from the UN Security Council.

"The four-item concept has been adopted. The first items refers to gathering information and monitoring ships which smugglers use to transport people and this can be done without a decision of the Security Council," Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić said in Brussels.

This decision means that preparation may be launched for this operation which may begin in June.

"This is just the beginning. Now the planning starts," EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said of the naval mission, adding that the operation could start next month. Details remain unclear as member states consider their options.

The mission called "EUNAFOR Mediterranean" will be headquartered in Rome and Italian Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino has been appointed mission commander.

The decision was adopted at a joint session of the EU foreign and defence ministers.

The UN Security Council is expected to give its consent later this week.

After the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution, the military operation could begin with activities which include search for, confiscation and destruction of smuggling boats in accordance with international law and in cooperation with Libyan authorities.

Minister Pusić said today's meeting in Brussels did not focus on the European Commission's proposal to introduce quotas for relocation of asylum seeks and refugees within EU member states, according to their abilities.

"This will not be decided by foreign ministers, this falls under the jurisdiction of interior ministers," Pusić said adding that judging by first reactions, this proposal would not be supported by member states.

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