During official visit to Norway, Minister Jandroković delivered lecture at Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo on “Newest NATO Member and Future EU Member – Croatia in 2010”

Minister Jandroković said that Croatia’s NATO accession the year before was the best proof of the reforms conducted during the past two decades, as well as the confirmation that the values of democracy, political pluralism and market economy are ingrained in the Croatian society as well

Minister Jandroković said that Croatia’s NATO accession the year before was the best proof of the reforms conducted during the past two decades, as well as the confirmation that the values of democracy, political pluralism and market economy are ingrained in the Croatian society as well. He also said that Croatia considers NATO membership a matter of national and regional security, but above all a matter of belonging to a community with which it shares the same values, interests and beliefs. In that regard, he pointed out the importance of adopting the New Strategic Concept, which aims to improve NATO’s ability to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Pointing out that Croatia had grown from a war-stricken country and an international aid recipient into a responsible keeper of global peace and security, Minister Jandroković recalled that that role had been confirmed even before joining NATO, through the participation in 14 missions led by the UN, NATO and the EU, the internationally most resounding being the engagement of the Croatian forces in the ISAF. He also stressed that by participating in all these missions Croatia is protecting the European continent as well as itself from global security threats.

Talking about the actualities of Croatia’s Euro-Atlantic integration process, Minister Jandroković described this year as crucial, expressing conviction that Croatia would finish the technical part of the negotiations by its end, so that by 2012 it could become a full-fledged EU member. He pointed out the existence of political will and determination to complete the necessary reforms, especially in harmonizing the justice system with the European standards and strengthening market competition. A decisive and efficient combat against corruption is one of the Croatian Government’s priorities for this year, to which end the legal and institutional framework has received considerable strengthening, which resulted in numerous successful actions on all levels, said Minister Jandroković.

In regard to planned activities, he remarked that greater emphasis would be placed on informing the public about the EU membership and its advantages for the Croatian citizens, especially as regards using the means from the European funds.

Minister Jandroković also said that Croatia strongly supports the enlargement policy, considering the Euro-Atlantic perspective to be the only guarantee of stability and prosperity for the whole region of South Eastern Europe. As a stability factor, it transfers the values of NATO and the EU onto its surroudingins. He remarked that for the purposes of assisting them along their Euro-integration road, Croatia had already sent to the region’s countries its translations of the acquis. He also stressed Croatia’s willingness to assume a constructive, responsible and dynamic role in the context of its future EU membership.

Minister Jandroković also touched on the global financial crisis, pointing out that thanks to a responsible fiscal and monetary policy, Croatia had managed to curb its effects. He reiterated that the previous year the Croatian Government had consolidated the public expenditure through several budget rebalances, while this year it has adopted a series of measures aimed at economic recovery and development, the sustainability of public finances and the strengthening of domestic economy’s competitiveness.

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