During official visit to Japan, Minister Gordan Jandroković met with President of Japan International Cooperation Agency Sadako Ogata

The collocutors recalled Sadako Ogata’s engagement in Croatia as the UN high commissioner for refugees, with Minister Jandroković thanking her for the assistance during the Homeland War, when Croatia had a large number of registered refugees and displaced persons

The collocutors recalled Sadako Ogata’s engagement in Croatia as the UN high commissioner for refugees, with Minister Jandroković thanking her for the assistance during the Homeland War, when Croatia had a large number of registered refugees and displaced persons.

Minister Jandroković informed his collocutors with the Croatian Government’s activities in regard to their return. The return of displaced persons remains one of the Croatian domestic policy’s priority issues, he said.

The minister thanked on the behalf of the Croatian Government for the Japanese side’s development assistance, which has contributed to Croatia’s post-war reconstruction, especially in the areas of special state concern and through mine-action programs.

Minister Jandroković also familiarized Ms. Ogata with the extent of the international development assistance that Croatia is offering and which is one of the basic guidelines of its foreign policy. As proof that Croatia had grown from a recipient into a provider of international development assistance, he pointed out the 2008 Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance Act, as well as the 2009-2014 National Strategy on Development Cooperation.

Most of the users of Croatia’s development assistance are countries of South Eastern Europe. Through international organizations, said assistance is also being received by African and Asian countries, especially the Republic of Afghanistan, in which Croatia was running eight development programs in 2009.

The meeting also discussed the economic cooperation between Croatia and Japan, cooperation between Croatian and Japanese universities and cities, as well as JICA areas of activity and its activities in South Eastern Europe. In that regard, the collocutors agreed to explore the possibility of joint cooperation in development assistance programs for the countries of South Eastern Europe.

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