Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković participated in UN ministerial conference “Global Governance and Security Council Reform”

Minister Jandroković thanked Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini for organizing the conference that offered an opportunity to review the progress since the first such conference two years before, as well as the challenges facing the Security Council reform

Minister Jandroković thanked Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini for organizing the conference that offered an opportunity to review the progress since the first such conference two years before, as well as the challenges facing the Security Council reform. He also expressed satisfaction that current UN General Assembly President Joseph Deiss was participating as well.

Pointing out that the Security Council did not adequately reflect the geopolitical reality of today, not the 21st century UN membership structure, Minister Jandroković emphasized the need for its reform, expansion and enhancement of operating methods. At the same time, he stressed it was necessary to bear in mind that the Security Council reform is part of the reform of the UN as a whole. In that regard, he remarked that peace, security, development and human rights ere interdependent and mutually supportive pillars of the UN system, adding that the overall UN reform could have a direct influence on the effectiveness of the Security Council.

The Republic of Croatia is open towards the idea of enlargement in both of the Security Council membership categories and considers it should be realized based on the proportional geographical distribution, bearing in mind the growth in the number of the EU members during the past decade, said Minister Jandroković. In that sense, Croatia supports the legitimate aspirations of other countries and regional groups towards just representation, namely of those that are underrepresented, such as small- and middle-sized countries, as well as African countries. Croatia also advocates at least one extra opening in the non-permanent Security Council membership for the East European regional group.

The minister also pointed out that Croatia applauded the past improvements in the mode of operation and achievements regarding greater transparency of the Security Council activities, adding there was room for further improvement, especially in regard to open briefings of the presidency and subsidiary bodies, regular meetings with countries participating in the UN-led peacekeeping operations, increasing the number of open meetings of the Council, and employing the latest technology.

Remarking that Croatia had itself witnessed the complexities of the Security Council’s operations during its non-permanent membership, and in view of the various new challenges world-wide, Minister Jandroković said it was necessary to do all it took to achieve efficiency and transparency in the Security Council’s functions and competences. This would contribute to its legitimacy and solidify the United Nations’ central role in global governance, especially in peace and security.

Conclusively, Minister Jandroković said that a true reform of the Security Council required a wide support on part of the UN members, and that necessitated numerous compromises between the principal actors. In that regard, he expressed conviction that today’s meeting too would boost the current intergovernmental negotiations and yield the long-awaited results, while Croatia remained active in the process and open to cooperation.

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