Deputy Minister Klisović at NATO Industry Forum in Split

High representatives of NATO and the defence industry attended a NATO Industry Forum, an annual gathering held in one of the member states with the aim of stimulating strategic communication and cooperation between NATO and the defence industry

High representatives of NATO and the defence industry attended a NATO Industry Forum, an annual gathering held in one of the member states with the aim of stimulating strategic communication and cooperation between NATO and the defence industry. This year, the host was Croatia.

The forum included an opening part and two panel discussions on raising the defence readiness from the perspective of NATO and the defence industry.

In his keynote remarks, Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović underlined the importance of strengthening the cooperation between NATO and the defence industry, notably due to growing security threats in the neighbourhood. He stressed in particular the importance of the Alliance’s adaptation to the complex security environment, which requires identifying challenges and directing efforts towards innovation and coordination of NATO’s activities and the industry. Klisović concluded his remarks by expressing satisfaction that Croatia had been given the opportunity to host a conference that contributes to the Alliance’s strategic goals in this area.

Opening remarks were also delivered President Ivo Josipović (in a video message), Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović and NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow.

At the two panel discussions, views on the relations between NATO and the defence industry were presented, amongst others, by NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, Jean-Paul Paloméros and NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment Patrick Auroy.

On the forum’s sidelines, Klisović held bilateral talks with Vershbow, discussing the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East and North Africa, as well as its impact on the Alliance. The two officials also talked about the state of affairs in Southeast Europe, with an emphasis on the Euro-Atlantic prospects of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

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