Deputy Minister Joško Klisović attends World Economic Forum in Baku

Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović attended the World Economic Forum held 7-8 April in Baku

Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović attended the World Economic Forum held 7-8 April in Baku.

During his stay in Baku, Klisović held several bilateral talks with Azerbaijani officials with whom he discussed further dynamics and modalities of Croatia-Azerbaijan cooperation. The talks with Economy Minister Shahin Mustafayev focused on intensifying the economic cooperation, including concrete economic projects discussed during the visit by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to Zagreb in March this year, with both sides interested in their realization. The two countries’ excellent relations were confirmed by the recent meeting between Aliyev and Croatia’s highest officials, during which the Joint Presidential Declaration was signed, raising them to the level of strategic partnership. This confirms the importance Croatia and Azerbaijan place on the development of cooperation in all areas, notably the activities aimed at advancing the understanding between the two countries. Contributing to this are similar historical experiences, sharing the transitional reform challenges as well as the efforts to achieve modern, democratic standards and develop a functioning market economy.  

In separate talks with Azerbaijani Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfaz Garayev, both sides applauded the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in tourism between the two competent ministries and emphasised the willingness to exchange experiences in that area. Croatia, as a country in which tourism is a major branch of economy and which has a long tradition of tourism activities, and Azerbaijan, whose natural, cultural and architectural assets draw more and more foreign tourists, have a potential to intensify cooperation through the development of accompanies cultural projects as well. Klisović and Garayev welcomed the possibility of organizing Azerbaijan Day in Croatia and Croatia Day in Azerbaijan as yet another way for the two countries to get to know each other’s rich cultural heritage. In that regard, both sides expressed readiness to intensify cooperation between educational and scientific institutions, such as music academies, whose students could present themselves through art programmes in the two countries’ major cities, as well as other projects to be defined in the bilateral Cultural Cooperation Programme for the next two years.

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