Deputy FM Klisović: Development agenda has no alternative

“The forum has achieved its goal: to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and views on development policy, as without agreement there is fear, hatred and closing in nationalistic, religious and other boxes,” said Deputy Foreign Minister Joško Klisović

“The forum has achieved its goal: to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and views on development policy, as without agreement there is fear, hatred and closing in nationalistic, religious and other boxes,” said Deputy Foreign Minister Joško Klisović, closing this year’s Croatia Forum. He said that the forum had sent a message to the upcoming Addis Abeba conference and the New York summit.

Development policy, said Klisović commenting on the forum’s conclusions, was more than economy, environment and human rights as it included all public policies – from security to migration and conflict prevention, without which there is no development and stability. Srebrenica is a testament to that, he said, adding: “It must never happen again.”

Klisović underlined that development assistance had to be sent as rights should be globally equal and it is our duty to contribute to that. He added that although there are big and small donors, the assistance was international and that all are working as partners with the goal of ensuring a better prospect in face of any radicalism.

Each country requires a tailor-made approach as it was a part of the partner relation, said Klisović. In his closing address he also stressed the role of women, without which there is no quality development agenda, underscoring the importance of investments in education and economic independence of women and girls.

Development agenda has no alternative, concluded Klisović, adding we should all work on it equally. 

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