Croatian woman returns from Cambodia

The Croatian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has been actively working on bringing a Croatian national back from Wuhan

The Croatian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has been actively working on bringing a Croatian woman back from Wuhan. She left China on 20 January and travelled to Myanmar and then to Cambodia, where the airline prohibited her from continuing her flight via Kuala Lumpur to Croatia. At that point, she contacted the Croatian Embassy to Malaysia for help.

During all that time, the Croatian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has been in contact with the woman, the Croatian Embassy in Jakarta and the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offering her consular and other assistance so she could safely return to Croatia. Once the best solution was determined, the woman arrived in Zagreb on Sunday 2 February 2020.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs would like to thank the Malaysian authorities for their efforts and professionalism in expediting her return.


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