Croatian MFAEI sent diplomatic note to Slovenian Embassy in Zagreb

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent today, 23 December 2005, a diplomatic note to the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb

In it, the MFAEI reminds that on 22 December 2005 an unknown perpetrator destroyed the floats from the sea shell farm in Savudrijska vala owned by the Sargus co-operative. Between 10 and 20 tons of consumer mussels, with a wholesale price of 10 Kuna per kilo, and cut he ropes of 110 buoys. To reanchor the buoys and repair the farm will take 10 days of diving crew’s work. The MFAEI requires that the relevant Slovenian bodies also join the investigation to find and punish the perpetrator.

The MFAEI believes that this incident too is a proof of the need to reach an agreement on the sea border as soon as possible. In that sense, the MFAEI reminded about Croatia’s official proposal to submit the matter before an international legal body.

The MFAEI also replied today to a note by the Slovenian MFA from 16 December 2005 regarding the Book of Regulations on the Fishing Sea Borders.

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